Roberson Reality

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ramblings of a Teacher

Well, I established this blog last summer. This is technically my second post but we'll pretend that I just joined. I always assumed that no one would have any interest in my boring, childless, wonderful life. We'll just give it a shot and I think I may actually enjoy the wonderful world of blogging. Especially in the SUMMER!!

Speaking of summer, I HAVE NINE DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT! Can I get an AMEN???? This year has flown by to say the least but I am ready to kick these children out the door. They have worn me out this year and I will pretend to cry but then probably jump for joy as they leave the building! I know I sound like a horrible, children-hating teacher but I promise I'm not. It's very hard to be with the same 22 children, all day, every day, in the same room, for 9 1/2 months. I've decided that to be a good teacher, you also need to be a good actress. Those days that you want to kick, cuss and scream, you have to put on a smile and pretend that you are so happy to be at school with those booger eating monsters.

Boogers aren't the only thing these children eat. They love to eat pencils. Not kidding. I will sharpen pencils and it looks like a beaver has come and gnawed its teeth up and down the entire pencil. I need to wear gloves to pick up these germ infested pencils. They usually go straight into the garbage can. I probably shouldn't be surprised. I should have known that they'll sink their teeth into anything by the way they eat at lunch. For all you people that get to enjoy lunch alone or with adults, I HATE YOU! (kidding). But TRY and imagine sitting at a table with six and seven year olds as they attempt to eat a chicken fajita. First of all, I don't understand why they serve chicken fajitas to children. It's only torture for teachers to have to watch this scene unfold. Needless to say, I lose my appetite daily and especially on chicken fajita days. I think they should have an entire class for children to learn how to eat. I try everyday to teach these lovely children table manners but this is an impossible task. Oh well.

I'm sorry for all of the complaining and negativity compiled into one post. This may be my new teaching therapy. Teachers know that you just gotta let it out and I know that poor Patrick just LOVES hearing my stories from school. (Please note the sarcasm) I may have to start sharing them with you all (or technically myself, due to no readers), to spare Patrick the pain and torture. But please don't hide your children from me just yet, I promise I love my job and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Those little chicken fajita, booger, pencil eaters make me smile everyday and I pray that I am making a difference (no matter how big or small) in their lives. Until next time!!

I'll leave you with an image of my sweet monsters. :)

And while I'm at it, here's the hubby and my precious baby Charlie. I am one lucky girl! :)


  1. I'll read your blog Phyfer!! :)

  2. Phyf I am following your blog too cutie!!! Love hearing about the combination of misery and happiness in a teacher's life. Hey, at least you don't work for a plastic surgeon in LA like I do. MIZZZZ!!!!
    PS: I've only done 4 posts since I started blogging too...I'm so bad at this!
